User profile: ceeemor

User info
User name:ceeemor
Name:chandramohan reddy
Bio:I am past my prime age but still interested in programming languages. trying to relearn c++ fully for my own satisfaction. my professional qualification is M E (Mech). living in bangalore
Joined:Sep 9, 2009 at 9:43am
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Overwhelmed & Confused with homework...
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int num ; int rem ; ...

problem compiling n editplus 3
i am directly opening the file into editplus editor. using user tools i am trying to compile

problem compiling n editplus 3
i have config editplus for Borland and just opened my program in editplus and tried to compile. i ha...

problem compiling n editplus 3
helo friend wherever i put that file i am not able to compile. if i use the code blocks i am doin...

problem compiling n editplus 3
[b]i am getting this ouput when compiling by editplus 3. i have configured user tools properly by...