User profile: OnlineCop

User info
User name:OnlineCop
Bio:C and C++ programmer. Most programming done has been for games and related fields.
Joined:Mar 11, 2008 at 9:56pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

trying to figure out what's wrong
[code]if(x = "+");[/code] This has two problems: 1) This will assign "+" to the variable [code]x[/co...

Whats wrong with my If OR function?
You actually have to put the [code]course_select[/code] in each time you do an or; it's not implicit...

Reading From Files
The [code]std::map[/code] is usually what you'll want. It will accept a string as a key, which will ...

Using a void parameter
Disch's answer is probably going to be the best for you. A good example of this is [code]qsort[/cod...

Shadow: [code] // Pseudo code only, for the "concept" of how to do this #include <iostream> #inc...