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Nov 17, 2009 at 11:54pm
There's something I don't like though -- CTRL ALT F1-6 are TTYs but CTRL ALT F7 takes you backt o the GUI. I think it should be CTRL ALT Escape to leave the TTY...

It's just that Xorg is on the 7th TTY:

jordy@centurion:~$ ps -e | grep -i xorg
 1396 tty7     00:02:31 Xorg
Nov 18, 2009 at 8:38am
Oh, yeah... that makes sense.
Nov 18, 2009 at 2:56pm
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
You can't find those people!? Are you even looking?? I remember my brother-in-law caught a virus on his laptop that leeked his information. I tried getting rid of it and his wireless card driver went kaput. To add to that, I couldn't run any antivirus since removing the virus via an antivirus software would restart the computer, not allowing the antivirus to run it's course. So basically, I was blamed for breaking his computer and trying to get rid of a virus that apparently used his bandwidth for some reason ( which is why I'm guessing it was sending information somewhere ). The tech guy he took it too told him it'd cost $200 to fix it when in reality all he did was reinstall Windows XP Home. I couldn't tell you how irritated I was since I could have done the exact same thing for free and yet I was blamed for it lol. *sigh*. Whatever....
Nov 18, 2009 at 5:06pm
I hate people like that. They assume that because I have a relatively good general understanding of computers that I know how every piece of software works and how to use it.

They expect me to fix things for them for free; and then complain when I can't. My mum's friend's daughter's laptop was unable to run "the Sims" (I played that game, it was suckish at best) so she took it to a shop (PC world -- big mistake). Anyway now it doesn't play any games apparently and I'm expected to know how to fix it.

I'd like to think it's evidence of why DRMs shouldn't be trusted, but it probably isn't. Shouldn't get Richard Stallman's hopes up...
Nov 18, 2009 at 6:42pm
I get that all the time my dad asks me to setup devices and software which I've never used and would require technical knowledge of it to setup beyond the defaults. Just bugs the hell outta me that they don't RTFM and do it themselves. Same with fixing things.
Nov 18, 2009 at 7:32pm
It's not that they don't RTFM; it's that they expect me to know what to do.
"I downloaded this program how do I install it?"
"I installed a program how do I run it?"
"I kicked the computer and it fell over and broke; fix it."
"A Linux installer resized the Windows partition and caused Windows to think it is corrupt; I blame you, fix it." which, in their terms, was
"The computer is broken, fix it." (Yes, Windows is the whole computer).

Although yesterday my dad said open-source software is good; "because the people who use it can change things and get it working the way they want it; so they get it to work better". Which is true. I get annoyed when people complain "but Linux, OpenBSD, et al can't be secure because if you can read the source code; you can find exploits". Hurr; then they won't leave any exploits! That's a good thing, it's why Microsoft and Apple don't have to correct half the errors in their code: for the most part, no-one can read the code, so no-one can find exploits so Microsoft/Apple don't have to fix them! Then someone finds an exploit through trial-and-error or by accident, and unleashes it on the world... -cough- kido -cough-

Edit: although I'd be willing to bet that if the programmers who work for Microsoft ran it, they'd make some pretty good software. The problem would be that they wouldn't have vicious business skills so no-one would buy it.
Last edited on Nov 18, 2009 at 7:34pm
Nov 18, 2009 at 10:07pm
Hehe yeah I have to agree with that. While I don't get blamed, I am expected to suddenly and always know what hardware/software is best what setting configuration for every program is most secure etc and how to fix bugs and crashed that are purely the result of being incompatible.
Nov 18, 2009 at 10:28pm
"but Linux, OpenBSD, et al can't be secure because if you can read the source code; you can find exploits"

Yeah, people who say this fail to realize that if you find it and use it, someone will patch it; probably in less than a day.
Nov 18, 2009 at 10:40pm
And they fail to realize that exploits are found even when there is no source.
Nov 19, 2009 at 12:59pm

Hehe yeah I have to agree with that. While I don't get blamed, I am expected to suddenly and always know what hardware/software is best what setting configuration for every program is most secure etc and how to fix bugs and crashed that are purely the result of being incompatible.

And alot of bugs and crashes tend to be the fault of the user; e.g. oft times have I made firefox crash, before realising it was my own fault :)
Nov 19, 2009 at 11:52pm
This is officially the longest discussion ever on this forum.

*places the badge*

And alot of bugs and crashes tend to be the fault of the user; e.g. oft times have I made firefox crash, before realising it was my own fault :)

I do this on purpose, and once I've found all the bugs in the program, if it's open source, I'll sometimes go in and screw with code so that it's personalized to my needs, then say to a friend, "Here, check this out," baffle them with awesomeness, offer to give them a copy of the .exe, change the code to cause a large amount of memory usage, then give it to them.

"WTF Windows crashed?!"

Nov 20, 2009 at 1:54am
T.T I haven't made firefox crash yet I feel left out
Nov 20, 2009 at 2:42pm
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Nothing is closed-source. The only real way to close source is via license but that clearly doesn't stop people. Windows can be entirely read in assembly and it gets done all the time.

Even if you can't read assembly, they're sure to find exploits with permissions, structure, or even less complex things like deletion of vital files, etc.

Firefox crashes on its own, you don't need to help it crash.

@ chris: Another fine example: My stepmother believes you cannot delete email since someone told her the FBI makes a backup of all emails. Might be true but that doesn't mean you keep a 1000 messages in your inbox. She also says I need to take her anti-virus off because it slows down her computer. I told her she'll complain more when it doesn't run at all. Then she said, I need to stop cleaning her computer of viruses and spyware weekly. Apparently, everytime I do that, the popups that contain the fun games aren't popping up anymore. She also doesn't like it that I recently updated her computer from IE 6 to IE 7. She didn't like it because it looked different. I told her it was a bit faster and secure. She said she didn't care, she hated it. I told her maybe she could try out Firefox... She hated it because her popups wouldn't show up. About pissed off, I attempted to roll back to IE 6. Still figuring it out....

When she asks me how do I put up with all this crappy software (lol how convenient), I tell her I don't use Windows and that I use Linux. I tell her, she can't use it since it's a little bit more advanced. She rejected my idea that she is too 'nub' and asked me to put it on anyways. I told her that if she wants to use Linux, she has to figure out how to put pictures on her Facebook, BY HERSELF *gasp*. Fortunately, she's yet to figure it out.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2009 at 2:46pm
Nov 20, 2009 at 7:31pm
she has to figure out how to put pictures on her Facebook, BY HERSELF *gasp*. Fortunately, she's yet to figure it out.

Nov 20, 2009 at 8:52pm
Lol; why don't you install it anyway? I like to force people into using Linux or BSD. It's fun; they end up realising that once they get used to it it's actually not that hard to use. Just got to get them used to figuring things out instead of asking me... It's better to use your own initiative then rely on me and my internet connection...
Nov 20, 2009 at 8:56pm
Yes you probably wouldn't have to de-virus it as often since linux gets few viruses, I think it is because if you type in "free <insert program type>" you won't be assaulted with viruses and I haven't gotten a pop-up yet, of course I never get viruses in windows(anymore) .
Nov 20, 2009 at 9:12pm
You don't need to use anti virus software on Linux. I found that out the first day after I installed it; it made me really happy.
Nov 20, 2009 at 9:23pm
Wow I didn't know they were impervious ...
Nov 20, 2009 at 9:23pm
It's not impervious if you do something stupid.

chrisname (1337)

Someone recognises my achievements...
Last edited on Nov 20, 2009 at 9:24pm
Nov 20, 2009 at 9:31pm

We should landmark this page now
Last edited on Nov 20, 2009 at 9:33pm
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