User: foamrule

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User profile: foamrule

User info
User name:foamrule
Joined:Sep 23, 2015 at 12:59am
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Doubly Linked List
Hey, i have to write a doubly linked list of at least 5 elements and output the string data attribut...

Reading my file's .exe
So i have an assignment to write a code that reads its own .exe file, and output only the ASCII char...

Need help counting brackets in my code
i need a program to read its own code and count the amount of open brackets inside it, and tell me t...

Need help graphing a sine wave.
oh, that is so cool(it's working now), thank you a million times!

Need help graphing a sine wave.
[code]#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #define PI 3.141592 using names...

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