User profile: oyehoye6906

User info
User name:oyehoye6906
Joined:Jan 9, 2019 at 12:15pm
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Data structure
What's the best data structure to design a text editor? like how pdfs and Ms word search for a sente...

Word Break
@dhayden, I can use hash map to search words in almost constant time. So large dictionary won't be a...

Word Break
Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each ...

efficient coding
> ¿what's the previous method? >> I'll hit 3 coconuts 5 times each and at least 2 of them will brea...

efficient coding
@abo... yeah this is better. I don't think there can be a generalized pattern to find the number of ...