User: Axarator

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User profile: Axarator

User info
User name:Axarator
Bio:There are 3 things that best describe me:
Whitish grey hat hacker.
Joined:Jul 22, 2015 at 9:25am
Number of posts:21
Latest posts:

What on earth is happening here
Mathf.CeilToInt basically rounds a float or decimal places to an int with the lowest number possible...

What on earth is happening here
Why does the points value disregard that airtime is being rounded? [code] scores = scores + Mathf...

Having trouble with multiple or's
I am having trouble, which I think is being caused from my OR statements not being valid. What I am ...

Can't use W,A,S,D and arrow keys together
I dont have an update or draw, also should I move my switch( windows procedure) above the message lo...

Hey i need some help
You could randomly generate a and b or you could get them from user input.

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