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User info | |
User name: | nedo |
Name: | Rada Florin-Daniel |
Location: | Bucharest |
Website: | http://florinrada.blogspot.com |
Bio: | I am just someone who developed a passion for programing, and try's to learn as much as he can whenever he can, wherever he can.
I prefer c++ and i have medium experience with it, and with the wxWidgets framework(for c++, not for pythone). Recently i started working with php, trying to go in the web development direction, not only in the desktop direction. I program mostly for windows but i do have 1 app that is full cross platform(a ip to ip crypted chat). |
History | |
Joined: | Nov 29, 2012 at 11:52am |
Number of posts: | 83 |
Latest posts: |