User: Ravi Prabakaran

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User profile: Ravi Prabakaran

User info
User name:Ravi Prabakaran
Joined:May 14, 2013 at 10:25am
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

How to retain all project properties when change from debug to release mode in C++ ( Visual studio )
Hi, I'm developing C++ application in visual studio 2012. I have couple of C++ projects in my sol...

Convert pointer object to plain object in c++
Hi Zhuge, Thanks for reply. i tried this, still i'm getting same problem. Do you have any other...

Convert pointer object to plain object in c++
Hi abhi, Thanks for reply. 1.Your first point is correct, i made syntax problem in this post. It...

Convert pointer object to plain object in c++
Hi, I have pointer object and i have to assign to another variable ( new object ). But if i change a...

How to convert string to double without changing actual data
Hi all, Thanks for reply. Andy , that means can we get exact result on convertion ?

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