User: Henri Korpela

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User profile: Henri Korpela

User info
User name:Henri Korpela
Name:Henri Korpela
Bio:Youtube channel:
Joined:Nov 15, 2011 at 7:12am
Number of posts:43
Latest posts:

C++11 - Using move semantics in a for loop?
Thank you for the replies! I didn't come to think of it that compilers would most likely optimize fo...

C++11 - Using move semantics in a for loop?
Hi, there! Yes, you read the title correctly. But why, you may ask now. Well, allow me to demonstra...

C++ - Dynamic memory allocation and class composition
Thanks, [b]coder777[/b]. I forgot to specify that object x is supposed to contain object y by refere...

C++ - Dynamic memory allocation and class composition
Hello! Lately I have wondered how should a composition be implemented when it comes to adding obj...

hey guys, i need a good/pro c++ user
[b]cncviking[/b], you could use that 300$ to teach yourself C++.

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