User profile: Moschops

User info
User name:Moschops
Joined:Jan 7, 2011 at 8:01pm
Number of posts:7244
Latest posts:

Truncating a float to a specified number of decimal digits
I haven't seen nonsense like this for ages. Kemort throws toys out of pram, deletes all posts, repor...

Why is SET slower than VECTOR in this case?
Obviously I wasn't as clear as I hoped. Line 27 looks through the set, one item at a time, in order...

Multidimensional Array
Here's how you could have found the answer: [code]#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using name...

Why is SET slower than VECTOR in this case?
If i had to guess, there are far fewer cache misses with a vector. In a vector, everything is stored...

Program crashing while using destructor
[quote] i can't see the CMD window once i run the program , it vanish within a sec. :3 [/quote] htt...