User: hebrerillo

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User profile: hebrerillo

User info
User name:hebrerillo
Old user name:jessCPP
Joined:Jul 24, 2015 at 3:35pm
Number of posts:74
Latest posts:

Detached thread error in helgrind
Hello Kigar! Thank you so much for your help! My original code is big and complex and makes use of...

Detached thread error in helgrind
Hello everyone! I am implementing a detached thread using pthreads. After I run the code under he...

TLV library in C
Hello everyone!! Does anyone know about a TLV library in C? I have to write the contents of so...

helgrind reports lock ordering violation in the same thread.
OK I understand helios. Thank you very much for your answer!

helgrind reports lock ordering violation in the same thread.
Hello everyone! Valgrind tool Helgrind is reporting a violation in the lock acquisition order... in...

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