User: keskiverto

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User profile: keskiverto

User info
User name:keskiverto
Number of posts:10386
Latest posts:

[quote]Should these basic facts be known by all C++ developers?[/quote] The list is less important t...

What is the difference between declaring a variable auto and declaring it auto&&?
I did run [code]#include <iostream> int& f() { int value=5; return value; } int main() { ...

What is the difference between declaring a variable auto and declaring it auto&&?
Such reference has to be const? I.e. the auto handles that? Why [code]auto&&[/code] and not [code]a...

Why is const gone in the return type?
No idea, but Sandor wrote something about const rvalue references in

Lions and Tigers and Pointers, oh my!
Alignment is (or at least was) relevant for vectorization. While compiler might be able to optimize ...

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