User profile: mbozzi

User info
User name:mbozzi
Bio:ESR's article /How To Ask Questions the Smart Way/ is the best guide to getting quick, effective help that I know of.

That document has substantial problems, but its content is mostly good.

Avoid the common trap of asking about potential solutions rather than your actual problem. Always provide context for the questions you ask.

My opinions do not represent the position of my employer.
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Joined:Jul 24, 2016 at 6:36am
Number of posts:3925
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It is known that we can't initialize rvalue reference with lvalue, but why can function name?
[quote]And the standard you cited is two floors above: "

c++ array negative numbers
[s]Try std::remove_if with reverse iterators?[/s] Actually don't try this. I always forget that [t...

It is known that we can't initialize rvalue reference with lvalue, but why can function name?
[quote]I can see no connection between your reply and my question[/quote] The connection is that you...

It is known that we can't initialize rvalue reference with lvalue, but why can function name?
It's a special case: My opinion is that the ...

Why is const gone in the return type?
[tt]T[/tt] is [tt]int&[/tt] and the function's return type is [tt]T const&&[/tt]. Substitution prod...