User: SirSmilesaLot

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User profile: SirSmilesaLot

User info
User name:SirSmilesaLot
Old user name:anirudh sn
Joined:Feb 23, 2012 at 11:27am
Number of posts:174
Latest posts:

how to write a step reader?
Then its quite simple, catia has option for import/export of step file, u just need to invoke that o...

Displaying invalid entry...
[code] string str; int num; cin>>str; for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++) { if...

income tax calculator
???whom r u asking to write a program??? :D

how to write a step reader?
which format of STEP is it?? AP204,216,242 or any other and which cad tool are u using?? i guess NX

Writing to multiple text files
generate 500 file names programatically, and copy contents of old file. eg: [code]for(int i=1;i<500...

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