User: cnoeval

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User profile: cnoeval

User info
User name:cnoeval
Location:Lexington, MA
Joined:Oct 29, 2009 at 5:14pm
Number of posts:643
Latest posts:

Pls can i start coding c++ with android phone
Sure. It's kind of clumsy but for writing small programs or just practicing coding a small tablet o...

It seems like your teacher is insisting on teaching you bad habits. Good code is compact, efficient...

Edit a file
Concurrently reading and writing to a file is trickier that it might seem. Generally you would read...

need a program that would do this...
Maybe try posting in the jobs forum here? -- There are proba...

Wants me to find the area
Your compiler should be telling you what is wrong. Are you looking at its traceback? It's best to ...

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