User: chtsolak

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User profile: chtsolak

User info
User name:chtsolak
Joined:Dec 14, 2011 at 7:52pm
Number of posts:24
Latest posts:

Define the size of a two dimensional matrix with variables
By using this method i want to build a 25065 * 44434 matrix. All elements should be double ie. 8 byt...

Define the size of a two dimensional matrix with variables
ne555 What kind of issues can arise?

Define the size of a two dimensional matrix with variables
Thank you a lot vlad from moscow! So, i can refer to value[row][column]? Is it safe all this?

Define the size of a two dimensional matrix with variables
Hi, so far i declared matrices with this method: [code]double *value = new double[numrows] ;[/...

Include all the libraries in the exe
I think i know the difference... When i tried what you told me i was on release mode and "Multithre...

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