User profile: DeXecipher

User info
User name:DeXecipher
Name:DeXecipher (Dex)
Bio:I am a c/c++/java programmer.

I spend a lot of time programming. I never count how many lines of code i write because its so bad :P. With two years past it seems at least to myself that I am slowly becoming a jack of trades in the computer field however its impossible to learn (professionally) everything within a profession, so I enrolled at a university. Currently I am pursuing a bachelors of computer science at a university.

Joined:Jun 22, 2012 at 10:25pm
Number of posts:458
Latest posts:

How to earn honest money with C++/Java freelancing?
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How to earn honest money with C++/Java freelancing?
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How to earn honest money with C++/Java freelancing?
I need some help. I am plenty skilled at C/C++/Java, but I lack the connections to make some things ...

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