User profile: Zephilinox

User info
User name:Zephilinox
Location:Burnham on sea, United Kingdom
Bio:Started learning C++ mid-January 2012, before that I made a few addons in Lua for Garrysmod.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Apr 27, 1996
Joined:Feb 6, 2012 at 8:19pm
Number of posts:595
Latest posts:

Is it possible to overload a class for passing to a function?
Ah sorry Duoas, I'll check again when I'm at a computer. It's not practical because I need it to wo...

Is it possible to overload a class for passing to a function?
@Duoas I did try overloading operator(), as I mentioned in the OP, but doing [code]someFunction(myC...

Is it possible to overload a class for passing to a function?
I want to be able to do [code] someFunction(MyObject) [/code] rather than [code] someFunction(MyObje...

calling a virtual function of a base class that is assigned a derived class uses base class function
Thanks, though I suppose you meant FlyingBehaviour&? this forum is great for quick questions :]

calling a virtual function of a base class that is assigned a derived class uses base class function
Thanks LB, I just found out that new'ing it made it work before I saw your post. But I still don't s...