User profile: Gaminic

User info
User name:Gaminic
Joined:Jul 18, 2010 at 11:29am
Number of posts:1621
Latest posts:

std::function and std::bind problem.
Thanks for the tips, guys. std::deque is impractical because of the way I use the data. I wasn't s...

std::function and std::bind problem.
Okay, that previous line of thought made it obvious. Both vector::emplace_back and vector::push_back...

std::function and std::bind problem.
I don't think I am. There is a vector of the owner class. I construct them like this: [code]vector<...

std::function and std::bind problem.
Hi guys, I'm experiencing a problem with a bounded function. In short, I have a CheckState(int...

Functor with default parameters.
I will be rereading that post once I've absorbed a few more reference pages on <functional>'s many t...