User: eri0o

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User profile: eri0o

User info
User name:eri0o
Joined:May 28, 2021 at 11:00pm
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

How do you find FOSS contributors
Bug reports and documentation are acceptable forms of contribution. On the subject of bug reports, ...

How do you find FOSS contributors
Just wanted to kick around the ball on how people find collaborators in their FOSS projects. And als...

What happened to the IRC Channel?
Is there a link to get there quickly? I think freenode had a way to jump right into from the web in ...

Notepad++ developers
Not one, but I recommend loading the source code in your IDE of choice and using find functions. The...

for(int i; i<length; i++) performance
Thanks people! Lots of good information here! It will take me a bit to play with all options :)

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