User profile: Massoud Raji

User info
User name:Massoud Raji
Name:Massoud Raji
Location:Neyshabur, Iran
Bio:Born on Feb.6, 1942 in Neyshabur, Iran. Married, has two children and two grand-children.
B.Sc. graduate of General Engineering from Abadan Institute of Technology, Abadan, Iran, 1965.

Worked as systems programmer with IBM 360 and 370 mainframes, commercial and technical programmer with Cobol, Fortran and PL/I languages. Later was promoted to manager, computing and information Services of the Ministry of Petroleum ofIran but after 2 years, because of disagreement with the policies and practices of the Islamic government of Iran, was permanently disqualified for any job or employment in the Islamic government and its associated companies.

This led him to create a small computer training and consulting firm that eventually was transferred to Neyshabur and registered the Iranshahr Institute in Technical Vocational Training Org of Iran(TVTO).

Since 1980's has been working with IBM PC and LAN networks, thereby obtained experience in RDBMS and computer programming (via C++, Pascal, DateEase, and Visual Basic)

As a hobby studied mathematics and translated English poems (Shakespeare, Auden, Keats, Yeats, Ciummings, Pasternak, Voznesensky...). His Persian translationsof these masterpieces of English poetry is now being used in the PhD programmes of foreign languages in some Iranian Universities(

He has participated in:
2004- Denmark: ICME-10 International Congress in Mathematical Education
2005- Korea: ATCM Asian Tecchnology Conference in Mathematics
2006- Hong Kong: ATCM Asian Tecchnology Conference in Mathematics
2007- Taiwan: ATCM Asian Tecchnology Conference in Mathematics
2008- Monterrey Mexico: ICME-11 International Congress in Mathematical Education
2005,2007, and 2008 - CASIO Global Teacghers Meeting in Tokyo,Tokyo, and Mexico

Pulications: Translated (to Persian language)
* Several Users' Guides of CASIO
scientific/graphic calculators
* Mark Shoenfield: Negotiation
* Collin Powell: An Intro to Leasdership
* Council of Europe: Two Policy Notes on
cultural issues
* Jack Welsh : eCommerce
* DataEase RDBMS Users Manual

Was honored as the best teacher of Iranian TVTO, and the Iranshahr Institute is honored as a first class training Institute.

Statistical data
Birthdate:Feb 6, 1942
Visual Basic
Joined:Aug 31, 2008 at 3:06pm
Number of posts:1
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