User: screw

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User profile: screw

User info
User name:screw
Joined:Aug 1, 2009 at 7:07pm
Number of posts:145
Latest posts:

reading a single character at a time
Why don't you want to read the whole string first and process the encryption? It goes as follows: [...

Embed search engines into my C++ code
Hi, You should use socket programming. Search socekt programming on google. i.e:

Virtual Classes
Hi, Your solution works at compiled time as well. If you want to use it at run time you can change ...

writing an simple UML editor
Hi all! I would like to create a very simple UML editor but I don't know how I should start it. F...

File I/O
It is not clear your hw for me. I guess you have a file that contains some info: Little Joe 28 male...

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