User: eiba

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User profile: eiba

User info
User name:eiba
Joined:Sep 14, 2009 at 2:15pm
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

How do i write a for loop to a file?
Awesome :D

How do i write a for loop to a file?
Hi. I'm just wondering how i write a for loop to a file. I've tried to look at generals examples on...

Code::Blocks, where to turn off end of program message?
Yep, i didn't think it was my own program that gave that line in the end.

Code::Blocks, where to turn off end of program message?
I guess you're right, it'll probably become useful some day, but right now it's just in the way :P ...

Code::Blocks, where to turn off end of program message?
I've just started using Code::Blocks, and one thing that bugs me is that when i build and run the pr...

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