User: Chemical Engineer

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  • Chemical Engineer

User profile: Chemical Engineer

User info
User name:Chemical Engineer
Joined:Jul 19, 2010 at 9:40pm
Number of posts:58
Latest posts:

How can memory leaks be found experimentally?
If I compile a program with memory leaks, will they be cleaned up when it's closed? Or do I need to...

How can C++ code be accessed elsewhere?
A DLL works for calling functions in other C++ programs, right? From the bit of reading I did goo...

How can memory leaks be found experimentally?
I want to test a function for memory leaks. Can I just compile a program that loops it an arbitra...

How can C++ code be accessed elsewhere?
I have a C++ function that I like. How can I access it from, say, Excel VBA? I've heard "COM" as...

I can't switch players
guestgulkan was trying to point out a few problems. For the first one, you have the line: [code]...

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