User: lukescott

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User profile: lukescott

User info
User name:lukescott
Joined:May 1, 2010 at 8:27pm
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Tools for "highlighting" C++ specific code / features?
I'm not completely certain yet, but I think the source code (it's open source) is compiled in C++ fo...

Tools for "highlighting" C++ specific code / features?
Are there any tools out there that can look over a source file and tell you which parts of a file ar...

App with no gui - properly clean up?
Windows was trying to make the window active, but the window cannot be active. The key was respondin...

Attatching console to Win32 App?
I have a "Win32 App" in VC++ 2008 and I use the following code to attach a console for debugging pur...

App with no gui - properly clean up?
OK I solved most of it. I found these are the messages that are sent to my application when you atte...

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