User: awsdert

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User profile: awsdert

User info
User name:awsdert
Joined:May 13, 2010 at 6:50pm
Number of posts:277
Latest posts:

how to get locale based digit groups separator (ansi c)
I may have had an ABI issue, I did a rebuild during my attempts to find the issue's source and at so...

how to get locale based digit groups separator (ansi c)
Thanks, I'll look into them later :) Got the tab pinned just in case there was a response while was ...

how to get locale based digit groups separator (ansi c)
If you remember the names of any of the functions I'd appreciate you listing them, I can look up the...

how to get locale based digit groups separator (ansi c)
What part of ansi c indicates to you I'm looking for a c++ answer? Anyways I was just about to say I...

how to get locale based digit groups separator (ansi c)
I've tried searching for this information on the web but keep getting directed to either c# or c++ s...

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