User: dorien

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User profile: dorien

User info
User name:dorien
Joined:Aug 17, 2012 at 8:31am
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

help with unhandled exception
I found the problem: I accidentally changed 1 line into comment. This line happened to be the initia...

help with unhandled exception
I've changed the code like you said, but this doesn't solve the error. Only pos changes: it goes fro...

help with unhandled exception
[quote]Also, I'd put this in once cout << sizeof(Position); to check that you're not asking for so...

help with unhandled exception
I figured out where the error is located, it's in the TryMove function: [code]static void TryMove(Po...

help with unhandled exception
This is the upper line of the call stack: [output]test.exe!DFS(pos_struct * via) Line 3761 + 0x18 b...

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