User: mdonati

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User profile: mdonati

User info
User name:mdonati
Joined:Aug 16, 2010 at 9:02pm
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Bitwise operations: get non-repeating bits
It's for a sudoku bitsolver to find a finned fish strategy.

Bitwise operations: get non-repeating bits
Hi to everyone. I'm really stuck with it. I have an array of 9 ints (9 bits each). One, and onl...

trouble accessing member functions in vectors of objects
for bezierSpline.erase, try this code: bezierSpline.erase(bezierSpline.begin()+i);

Understanding references
Thanks for your explanation. It really helps me out on this.

Understanding references
but why am I still able to call its method? is this a kind of "undefined behavior"?. Thanks for you...

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