User: MyOnlinePersona

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User profile: MyOnlinePersona

User info
User name:MyOnlinePersona
Joined:Sep 10, 2019 at 3:34pm
Number of posts:66
Latest posts:

stl sort function
I am going back over older code that I had written before and I have noticed something that I dont a...

string pointers?
Hello, I am trying to create a hangman type game. The word to be guessed is going to be picked from ...

Not c++ but hope someone can help with git
Thank you all for the answers. I believe I now understand most of my questions. So the origin is the...

Not c++ but hope someone can help with git
Thanks for the answer, still struggling a bit, but think I am understanding it a bit more. So git p...

Not c++ but hope someone can help with git
I am sorry that this is not a c++ question, but I hate to ask on stackoverflow, feels like everyones...

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