User: CodeWriter

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User profile: CodeWriter

User info
User name:CodeWriter
Joined:May 30, 2015 at 11:48pm
Number of posts:286
Latest posts:

setting up SDL2 with codeblocks
This is a SDL2 project not a SDL project. I was also told the project templates can be out of date a...

setting up SDL2 with codeblocks
Hi, I am trying to learn to use the SDL2 using the tutorials at,

SFML woes
raraku9333, Thanks. I downloaded the incorrect file, I have just downloaded this...

SFML woes
@naraku9333, Yes I downloaded and unzipped the CMake but couldn't find any .exe file for the cmake-...

SFML woes
Computergeek01 wrote: "Compiling SFML yourself would be best..." Ok I checked that out, the smfl tu...

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