User profile: hannad

User info
User name:hannad
Name:Mohannad Najjar
Location:Amman, Jordan
Bio:I recently started opening my eyes and saw that I shouldn't waste my time on games, but on something more fruitful!
Statistical data
Birthdate:Aug 17, 1993
3Ds Max
Computer Games
Joined:Nov 25, 2008 at 7:33pm
Number of posts:86
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Do you mind posting the code?

spaces in char array input
@ Your Code tags.. Use [ code] Your code [ /code] Or the Hash sign next to the reply text bo...

Read from a .txt file
Could you explain more?

goto statement
Could you post your code so I can see what you mean?

Read from a .txt file
getline is easy. This is a modification of your code. [code] #include <iostream> #include <fst...