User: Michael Lathberry

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  • Michael Lathberry

User profile: Michael Lathberry

User info
User name:Michael Lathberry
Joined:Mar 4, 2013 at 1:06pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

c++ HWND Win32 array problem
ok I dont know what happened but I turned my computer back one, recompiled the project and now it wo...

c++ HWND Win32 array problem
Here is part of the code, password is PWS-1990 Now the...

c++ HWND Win32 array problem
ok so heres something that keeps happening to me and I can't figure out why it does this but I have ...

I have no idea on how to explain this or what it is called (Resizing position)
---blackcoder41 (1425) Apr 13, 2013 at 1:12pm ---Did you try to move the host machine's taskbar to ...

I have no idea on how to explain this or what it is called (Resizing position)
Again I have no idea how to really explain this or now what its called but here it goes. I'm usin...

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