User: simeonz

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User profile: simeonz

User info
User name:simeonz
Joined:Dec 27, 2010 at 1:29pm
Number of posts:490
Latest posts:

Removing code at compile time with preprocessors
I imagined exactly what you did. I thought, if someone wants to override the global setting, they co...

Removing code at compile time with preprocessors
Elegant solution from jsmith (I wouldn't have thought of some details), but I have to mention someth...

Including *.cpp files
Its not that no one cares, but it sounds complicated. And a bit subjective. It is a bit like... usin...

Wrapper for File memory mapping destructor
@coder777 The second concurrent exception may not be directly related to releasing resource. For all...

Wrapper for File memory mapping destructor
Good question, and I have thought about this, but I don't think there is a trivial solution. The bas...

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