User profile: jgg2002

User info
User name:jgg2002
Name:Jason Georgiou
Location:Nicosia, Cyprus
Bio:I was born in the capital in of Cyprus, Nicosia, in 2002, which is where I live right now. My mother is Greek American and my father is from the Greek side of Cyprus, so I guess I am Greek-American-Cypriot :P. I am interested in computer programming, computer animating, gaming, computer - related things generally. I also fancy solving mathematical problems, including puzzles and brain teasers. I speak Greek, English and French. As for programming languages, I only speak Small Basic, a bit C++ and very little HTML. My favorite movie is the Harry Potter film series, along with Star Trek. My two favorite comedies are Monty Python and IT Crowd.
Joined:Nov 4, 2015 at 4:50pm
Number of posts:217
Latest posts:

Longest Increasing Subsequence using DP
I've been trying to solve this myself, and actually I have solved it now. Thanks anyway.

over again+deleting old
If I understood correctly you want to clear the contents of the current screen buffer, aka clear the...

Longest Increasing Subsequence using DP
I've been trying to solve this Dynamic Programming problem which states a following. You are given a...

Compiler Error for Class
You're welcome.

Compiler Error for Class
If I understood correctly, your getNum() function returns the number of the class right? Then you sh...