User profile: Hirokachi

User info
User name:Hirokachi
Bio:Learning Cisco Network Administration, currently.

My knowledge of programming is derived by it being a hobby of mine.

I enjoy being on this form and helping others with their programming needs and confusion they may have with programming concepts.
Statistical data
Joined:May 24, 2010 at 4:20am
Number of posts:126
Latest posts:

Very beginner question
I am unsure of what the problem is.... Would you please post the strange output you get. As for n...

Also a nice place to get answers to java and other non-c++ questions is the following URL: http://s...

[Error]expected identifier before numeric constant.-setlocale
Thank you for posting the solution. I was wondering about it myself. ~Hirokachi
I think this should be in the Lounge not in the Beginners Forum. Thanks, Hirokachi

Writing/Reading from a file!
Well you could try to use an array but you would need to for-loop through the array before/while you...