User: Dragonov

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User profile: Dragonov

User info
User name:Dragonov
Joined:Feb 17, 2015 at 5:47pm
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Online Lab problem
Okay, everyone. You will be happy to know that I had managed to make major headway on the assignment...

Online Lab problem
Well, I am trying to make it to where I insert a value of how many students I want, and then have it...

Online Lab problem
Do I put the int main in the student.cpp, or the main.cpp? Because in the main.cpp, I have to be abl...

Online Lab problem
Is there anyone that can help me, please?

Online Lab problem
Okay, I have some code to help you along: main.cpp [code]#include <iostream> #include "student.h" ...

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