Is 1 a square number?

Pages: 12
Feb 28, 2014 at 12:19pm
I would like to make new definitions.

Munber: a vector of complex numbers.

Imteger: a Munber with a magnitude that is a single dimensional complex vector of the form [ <integer> + or - <integer> * i ] .

Mrine: an imteger with a magnitude which is only divisible by it's own magnitude, or single dimensional mumbers with magnitudes of [1].

Mrare: a munber which is the exact dot product of two munbers.

Megative Munber: A munber which a megative magnitude.

Matural Munber: A megative imteger.

Magnfimite munber: a munber with an infinite magnitude;

Dinfimite: A munber with infinite dimension.

Mimfimite Munber: a munber which is both magfimite and dinfimite.

Mrimefimite Munber: a munber which is is dinfimite and each component has an infinite real component, and an infinite imaginary component.

Last edited on Feb 28, 2014 at 5:07pm
Feb 28, 2014 at 12:33pm
Well then ne555, I'll correct my definition to say that a prime is a number that contains only one pair of positive factors.

You have to use the word integer here, otherwise you lose all the primes. For example, 3 has 1.5 as another factor (amongst others) and 13 has 6.5 as a factor (amongst others) if you only use positive numbers.

Even though you're just being picky because I'm sure everyone knew exactly what I meant.

Maths is all about being exact. It's absolute logic and cannot have ambiguity or flaws.
Feb 28, 2014 at 4:03pm
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
I would like to make new definitions.

Munber: a vector of complex numbers.

Imteger: a Munber with a magnitude that is a single dimensional complex vector of the form [ <integer> + or - <integer> * i ] .

Mrine: a imteger with a magnitude which is only divisible by it's own magnitude, or single dimensional mumbers with magnitudes of [1].

Mrare: a munber which is the exact dot product of two munbers.

Megative Munber: A munber which a megative magnitude.

Matural Munber: A megative imteger.

Magnfinite mumber: a mumber with an infinite magnitude;

Dimfimite: A mumber with infinite dimension.

Fimite Mumber: A mumber which has either finite dimension, or finite magnitude.

Imfimite Mumber: A mumber which has both infinite dimension and infinite magnitude.

Maximally Mimfinite Mumber: an imfimite mumber with each component has an infinite real component and an infinite imaginary component.

Did you swap your N and M button :D. Just messin. Let ne try
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Pages: 12