User: Beginner programmer

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  • Beginner programmer

User profile: Beginner programmer

User info
User name:Beginner programmer
Joined:Aug 12, 2020 at 5:25pm
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

[C++] - Opening a directory and getting the path of a selected file
Thanks Furry Guy for this useful link. But I was only able to find a way to get a list of the files...

[C++] - Opening a directory and getting the path of a selected file
Many thanks jonnin for the explanation. @modoran, I followed your advice, and I read a little abou...

[C++] - Opening a directory and getting the path of a selected file
[b][/b][b][/b][b][/b][b][/b][u][/u][u][/u]Many thanks Ganado!! it worked after taking your comments ...

[C++] - Opening a directory and getting the path of a selected file
Hello Ganado, Many thanks for your reply. I tried your code, and it runniny on my PC, and I also ...

[C++] - Opening a directory and getting the path of a selected file
Sure, this is the code --> [code]#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> char* myFunction(){ ...

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