User: poweruserm

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User profile: poweruserm

User info
User name:poweruserm
Joined:Mar 23, 2018 at 10:49am
Number of posts:26
Latest posts:

Compatible C++ libraries Questions.
I am trying to assemble a native C++ library set where types immediately recognise one another (type...

Compatible C++ libraries Questions.
-I have been aiming to avoid QT to sidestep the commercial payment costs that legally do have to be ...

Compatible C++ libraries Questions.
I am trying to construct a cross compatible C++ Libraries platform, and I was wondering if anyone ca...

Trying to link from a .dll file in Windows.
My 'point of view' is the 64 bit Windows TDM compiler (stable version). And the Dev-C++ environment....

Trying to link from a .dll file in Windows.
-If I simply rename a .a file as .lib, will everything be exactly the same, and run as described? -...

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