User profile: mgoetschius

User info
User name:mgoetschius
Joined:Mar 23, 2015 at 2:22am
Number of posts:96
Latest posts:

Day of week calculator off by 1 day
I have no knowledge about julian day conversion, but does it have anything to do with this year bein...

Limit on check writing
I would initialize it in your setCheckLimit() function, and I think you want it to be 6, not 0. The...

Need HELP!
There are a couple ways you could go about it. One, you could add another if block and add [code] i...

Limit on check writing
Given the code you've posted, you only declare a variable CheckRemaining as a local variable to the ...

do while loop won't stop for input after first loop
You need to clear out the cin buffer. After line 31 add in: [code] cin.clear(); std::cin.ignore( s...