User profile: BlatantlyX

User info
User name:BlatantlyX
Bio:BlatantlyX is my alias as of 2015. I do c++ as my hobby, although I have not completed a program more then 300 lines. I am currently unemployed.
Joined:Apr 24, 2015 at 1:45pm
Number of posts:56
Latest posts:

Can't figure out what is wrong with my input
To initialize p you could use [code]car p = {};[/code], this will initialize it with 0s. But the pro...

Can't figure out what is wrong with my input
You are using [code]strcmp[/code] and [code]strcpy[/code]. These are in [code]<cstring>[/code]. http...

Can't figure out what is wrong with my input
After playing with your code a little bit I found that adding [code]cin.ignore(1);[/code] after each...

What is this exercise asking us to do?
I can confirm that this works for positive integers.

What is this exercise asking us to do?
It will end when u(0) is reached, which returns 3. eg. u(2) will call u(1) which will call u(0), eac...