User profile: mokhi64

User info
User name:mokhi64
Bio:Programming & Computer is everything in my life !!!
Joined:Oct 25, 2011 at 4:44am
Number of posts:19
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@AbstractionAnon you're right my friend ! I must test then talk ! Excuse me !

i think [code]getch()[/code] or [code]getche()[/code] are returning nothing(these are void functions...

how to hide console or terminal
@TheIdeasMan using functions without knowing them clearly, brings to me very very bad feeling ! bu...

Array sorting code help!!
dear friend ! if you want to write it by yourself i can help you by : [code] #include <iostream> ...

how to hide console or terminal
@Thumper Dear friend thanks a lot for your answers , but i wanted to see its source !( i think i ha...