User: DreamTime

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User profile: DreamTime

User info
User name:DreamTime
Joined:Oct 15, 2014 at 9:57am
Number of posts:69
Latest posts:

Image input, output and processing
I currently learning image processing in C++. I have experience with C++ but it's been a while and I...

How Do I Pass Two Objects to be Stored in Another object by reference?
I have classes A, B and C stored inside an object, X. I want to pass class A and B by reference to c...

Call A Function in one class from another class
Is it possible to call a function inside one class from another class? I have one class that holds a...

Delete Tree not working
The reason I cout it is because there's another function that I'm calling that typically goes throug...

Delete Tree not working
I have the following code in my class to delete the entire tree. [code] void Tree::makeEmpty() ...

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