User profile: danicpp

User info
User name:danicpp
Name:Danish Dildar ALI
Location:Faisalabad, Punjab
Bio:I've been programming at beginner level before and now I'm determined to make programming my profession. I've got admission in BSSE and now I want to make my way to professional programming.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Mar 5, 1990
Joined:May 4, 2014 at 5:43pm
Number of posts:116
Latest posts:

strange float vs double comparison result
OMG! guys I love you so much, I love ya all. Thankyou tooooooo much for helping and teaching me in t...

strange float vs double comparison result
I'm so sorry MiiNiPaa actually I write it in a hurry but now I have edited the OP with 1.2 it's fal...

strange float vs double comparison result
[code]float a = 1.2;[/code] and you know c and c++ says that a is not equal to 1.2 Why ??? i.e foll...

what can't non-const object receive temporary object
a function returns a temporary object like [code]int myfun(){ int x = 0; return x; }[/code] th...

true/false about function parameter
is it true or false a function like [code]void myfun(int num){}[/code] can receive type "int var"...