User: lovesoi

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User profile: lovesoi

User info
User name:lovesoi
Joined:Mar 9, 2011 at 7:25am
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

What is the "&" operator in the return type of a function?
Hello. I stacked at the point & operator. I don't know so many things about & reference operator and...

printing a pointer to function & changing return value of the function
Yes this perfectly is what i want. The only main difference of your code and mine is "static". Actua...

printing a pointer to function & changing return value of the function
Good suggestion,thanks. However , i'm studying const topic and it is explained that why we should ...

printing a pointer to function & changing return value of the function
Now i can print the function which returns char pointer. The code is below. HOwever changing return ...

printing a pointer to function & changing return value of the function
oh excuse me for calling it wrong. But i hope i could tell what i want to do. I want to print this f...

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