User: xXmusicmanXx

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User profile: xXmusicmanXx

User info
User name:xXmusicmanXx
Joined:Jun 28, 2011 at 4:14am
Number of posts:48
Latest posts:

Extremely basic program wont work
well, other users on this site seem to think using system("pause") is a bad idea. maybe try it witho...

bool quiz
I thought about the first part but thanks for clarifying the rest. I will see if I can use it withou...

bool quiz
How can I expand this to three differnt questions? Right now, it is only one generic question repeat...

more help...
Thanks disch. My code doesn't look pretty now. I'll make it look better when I'm done. Also, why doe...

more help...
I think my logic makes sense, but the program is doing half of what I want. the program: #inclu...

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