User: Jason Pfoutz

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User profile: Jason Pfoutz

User info
User name:Jason Pfoutz
Location:Greater Dayton, OH - USA

My name is Jason Pfoutz and I am a development team leader and research leader of a security/technology company, Cheetah-Fast Services. As a starter company, we're focused on creating dynamic security solutions and devices to improve security on the internet. As the cloud emerges, so does protection. We need new security.
Joined:Jan 20, 2012 at 8:52pm
Number of posts:2
Latest posts:

C++/QT coders wanted
The SecuraGeek Association is looking for volunteers in C++ and QT, whom are willing to assist and h...

Security researchers and C++ developers volunteers accepted
Wanting to join a new and fast-growing project? Right now, Cheetah-Fast Services is asking for volun...

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