User: Cantelopeman

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User profile: Cantelopeman

User info
User name:Cantelopeman
Name:Jeremy May
Bio:Game lover
Joined:May 7, 2012 at 5:51pm
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

C++/QT coders wanted
Maybe you could you could make a game of if - else statements for a type of rpg!

New kid on the block
thank you all for the support i appreciate it very much! on another note if you are a minecraft pla...

New kid on the block
whenever i can i always try to go on servers with my friends. But mostly i do singleplayer custom ma...

C++/QT coders wanted
so this is for helping Google? I would also like to help but fair warning i am only 12

New kid on the block
what is the buffer ; is it like a sort of way of saying what is on the screen? also i am not that o...

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