User profile: Jan Pasierb

User info
User name:Jan Pasierb
Name:Jan Pasierb
Bio:Student at St. Bartholomew's Business & Enterprise College.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Aug 12, 1993
Joined:Jul 8, 2011 at 9:11pm
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Dynamic recompiling
Dynamic compilation in C++? Good luck. Seriously though try java's JIT mechanism.

Best Linux Flavor for C++ Prgramming
try linux mint. It's easiest and all you need to do is download g++.

Setting up Linux
just simply download an .iso image burn it to a cd/dvd and then put it in the dvd drive and restart ...

Monitoring and killing a process that runs too long
First of all you cannot use this simple while loop to measure the time - what are the units? Secon...

what is : int x and int 0x80
The [code]int x[/code] reserves (usually) 4 bytes for a decimal number; [code]int 0x80[/code] a...