User: rezy3312

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User profile: rezy3312

User info
User name:rezy3312
Joined:Apr 13, 2016 at 1:13pm
Number of posts:69
Latest posts:

search through check
So I am trying to make a program to search a string and put into a number sequence and find i am hav...

Store backroom
Hello guys i am trying to build a "grocery backroom" here is where i want the user to enter an item ...

password hint
yes but i wanted to compare 2 arrays with the same that way i just add it to the array without makin...

password hint
ok thanks for that i was wondering how to do it but still a little confused but gonna try that appro...

password hint
Hey guys im wrting a code but ran into a problem, i am asking the user to enter the password that is...

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